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Antler Japan DEMO DAY 2024 - Relatório do evento

2024年3月13日、Antler Japan初となる『Antler Japan DEMO DAY 2024』を開催しました。会場には国内外の起業家、ベンチャーキャピタル、CVC、個人投資家、Antler Cohort Programの第1期生・第2期生、スタートアップエコシステムを支える人々にご来場いただき、大きなセミナールームは立ち見が出るほどの盛況ぶりとなりました。Antler Cohort Programを通じて共同創業者を得て創業し、出資を受けたポートフォリオ企業5社のご紹介、そして当日のピッチセッションの様子をお届けします。


A Antler se expande para Queensland, na Austrália

Antler is charting a new course for innovation by expanding our presence in Australia. We are launching in Queensland and partnering with the Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC).

Supported by the Queensland Government's Queensland Venture Capital Development Fund (QVCDF), the partnership is poised to transform the state's innovation sector. With a focus on bridging the early-stage funding gap, Antler and QIC are committed to attracting and nurturing the nation's top talent, driving forward Queensland's position on the global innovation stage.


A Antler apoia cinco startups com um pré-financiamento de US$ 550.000 no Vietnã

As part of a $5.1M pre-seed round for 37 startups across Southeast Asia, this marks the highest number of pre-seed deals completed in a single round in the region.


A Antler apoia sete startups com um financiamento pré-semente de US$ 770.000 na Malásia

As part of a $5.1M pre-seed round for 37 startups across Southeast Asia, this marks the highest number of pre-seed deals completed in a single round in the region.


A Antler apoia seis startups com um financiamento pré-semente de US$ 750.000 na Indonésia

As part of a $5.1M pre-seed round for 37 startups across Southeast Asia, this marks the highest number of pre-seed deals completed in a single round in the region.


A Antler lidera o financiamento pré-semente de US$ 5,1 milhões para 37 startups no Sudeste Asiático

This marks the highest number of pre-seed deals completed in a single round in the region.


A Antler dá as boas-vindas ao seu décimo primeiro grupo na Austrália

Antler's eleventh Australian residency marks a new era of innovation and talent, welcoming over 70 exceptional founders from diverse backgrounds. Featuring increased selectivity and experienced participants, this cohort is set to redefine startup success over the coming years. Discover the unique blend of expertise, global insights, and entrepreneurial spirit fuelling this transformative journey.


Mais de 1.000 investimentos desde o primeiro dia

As 2023 draws to a close, we are proud to mark a special milestone: making our 1,000th investment in companies originating from Antler residencies around the world.


Rodada de sementes de US$ 1,75 milhão da Sahha: Insights pioneiros sobre saúde mental por meio de IA e wearables

Discover Sahha's game-changing approach to mental health care using biosensors, insights, and AI algorithms. With a recent A$1.75M seed round led by Aura Ventures and participation from Antler, Sahha aims to redefine personalised healthcare.


Antler apoia oito novas startups de tecnologia do Reino Unido

New portfolio companies represent teams building in fast growth tech verticals such as fintech, femtech, healthtech and AI

Latest investments come after Antler was recognised as the most active private early stage investor in Europe in H1 2023

Reino Unido

A Antler se expande na Finlândia com a inauguração em Helsinque

Antler's expansion into Finland consolidates our position as the most active early-stage investor in the Nordics. 


A Antler dá as boas-vindas ao seu décimo grupo na Austrália

Meet the 75 founders kicking off Antler's tenth cohort in Australia


Antler lança fundo MENAP de US$ 60 milhões

Antler launches a $60m MENAP fund led by partners Dr. Jonathan Doerr and Romain Assunção with plans to invest in 100+ startups in the next four years. Antler is replicating its proven global track record from across six continents to boost early-stage investing in MENAP.


Ignição Antler

Antler Ignite is a special online initiative for high school and university students to spark their entrepreneurial spirit. Get a taste of Antler’s residency programs and learn about the cornerstones of entrepreneurship from Antler’s partners.


Antler faz parceria com a Khazanah para lançamento na Malásia

Antler is thrilled to announce our launch in Malaysia, headquartered in Kuala Lumpur and in partnership with Khazanah.


A Antler em Berlim dá as boas-vindas às novas adições ao portfólio da Antler

What a day! On Wednesday 28th June all of Antler portfolio companies met up together with more than 150 investors, other founders, and executives. It was a day full of inspiration, insightful conversations, and a great opportunity to keep the spirits up when the times for start-ups are hard.

After the panel discussion led by Christopher Klink, partner at Antler Germany, where Emilia Theye, co-founder of Clare&Me, Tore Myrholt, Chairman of the Board at Antler, and Emma Tracey, CEO at Scéal shared their insights and perspectives on the early-stage ecosystem in the region and beyond as well as gave advice to founders and investors. They also concluded that despite hard times, there is a lot of light and positive expectations for the years to come!


O fundo de crescimento emergente de US$ 285 milhões da Antler apoia os líderes do setor do futuro

Antler is thrilled to have closed Antler Elevate, a $285 million emerging growth fund that backs the next generation of game-changing founders across 20+ technology ecosystems, propelling them on their paths to greatness.


Crianças que codificam: Defendendo a alfabetização digital em Nairóbi

Nestled in the vibrant startup hub of Nairobi, Antler in Kenya brings together founders from all walks of life to build and invest in companies, tackling some of the most ambitious challenges in Africa. Sometimes that means starting from the very beginning—by lifting up young people in our region and providing them with the tools to drive the world forward. This time, through code. Find out about the incredible work done by Code Yetu, in partnership with Alphathesis and Antler in Kenya.


Anunciando o Antler US Spring 2023 Showcase

Antler US works with founders starting from day zero, bringing them in-house to our Residency studios in Austin, Boulder, and New York City. After investment from Antler, our portfolio companies work with the Antler US team to unlock continued growth and scale. As partners at the earliest stage, we’re proud to showcase some of our US companies who’ve matured and are ready to raise their next round of funding.


Antler traz o investimento do dia zero para Munique

We’re thrilled to bring day zero investing to Munich as we open the doors of our new office and host our first founder residency in September 2023. After having been in the DACH ecosystem since 2021, it was clear that adding an office in Munich would only be a question of "when"-not "if".  

Antler's new Munich office will plug right into this dynamic ecosystem and be well-positioned to support the next generation of entrepreneurs in Central Europe. We look forward to seeing what exciting new ventures emerge from this city!


Conheça a sétima residência do Antler em Amsterdã

Antler’s seventh Amsterdam residency has officially kicked off! Are you ready to meet them? Here is more about who we invited to join the residency and what you need to know about this group of exceptional people.

Países Baixos

Apoiando os fundadores desde o dia zero até a grandiosidade

Today we are sharing our new brand that reflects that commitment and the reason Antler exists: to stand behind our founders from day zero and to keep backing them on their paths to greatness.


Anunciando o Showcase do Antler US Fall 2022

After receiving initial investment from Antler, our portfolio companies work with the Antler US team in a rigorous sprint to build and prepare for their next round of fundraising. We’re so excited to see what these tremendous founders accomplish next!


O Antler lança a 6ª Coorte em Amsterdã

Antler Netherlands’ sixth cohort has kicked off in Amsterdam. Here’s more about who they are and what you need to know about this group of exceptional people.

Países Baixos

2022 ADE & Antler Startup Competition

Amsterdam Dance Event and Antler announced that the five-day long electronic music conference and festival and the early-stage venture capital investor have teamed up for the 2022 ADE & Antler Startup Competition.

Países Baixos

A Antler lança a quinta turma em Amsterdã

Antler Netherlands’ fifth cohort has kicked off in Amsterdam. Here’s more about who they are and what you need to know about this group of exceptional people.

Países Baixos

O Antler Quarterly: ESG, Impacto e VC

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Antler Quarterly. This report explores the impact, risk, sustainability, and opportunity within the global VC industry.


A Antler recruta Sheila Patel, ex-presidente da Goldman Sachs Asset Management, para a diretoria

Goldman Sachs veteran Sheila Patel joins the board of Antler. With three decades of experience in financial asset management, Patel has become a Global leader in the asset management industry.


A Antler está se expandindo para Copenhague para criar e investir em empresas de tecnologia sustentável

Following an investment of DKK 50 million into Antler's Nordic Fund from the Danish state's investment fund Vækstfonden, Antler is launching in Copenhagen to attract and support highly specialised founders from across the world and invest in the most promising 'green' companies of the future.

Karl-Christian Agerup, cofundador da Northzone, junta-se à Antler como parceiro global

We are delighted to welcome Karl-Christian Agerup as a Partner, focusing on the company’s investment operations and strategy Globally.


Nitin Sharma, investidor experiente, junta-se à Antler como sócio e co-líder para a Índia; a Antler pretende aplicar US$ 100 milhões na Índia nos próximos quatro anos

Antler welcomes Nitin Sharma, who is joining as a Partner and co-lead for all India efforts. To help accelerate the tremendous innovation and value creation in the Indian tech ecosystem, Antler aims to invest over US$100M in India across funds in the next 4 years. These funds will support exceptional founders from the idea stage, all the way to Series A/B. Nitin will co-lead the India efforts with Rajiv Srivatsa, co-founder of Urban Ladder.


Ken Hitchner, ex-CEO da Goldman Sachs APAC, junta-se ao Conselho Consultivo Global da Antler

Former Goldman Sachs Asia-Pacific CEO, Ken Hitchner, joins the Antler Global Advisory Board. He will also be the Co-Chair of the Greater China Advisory Committee.


The Antler Talent Network - Repensando as primeiras contratações para startups

Behind every successful company, there is a whole team of great minds. Having a strong co-founding team is key but having incredible early employees onboard can be equally important for a company's success at the very beginning. Finding the right early employees can be hard as oftentimes they need to have a certain mix of skills, as well as be go-getter, have an entrepreneurial mindset, and be willing to operate both on a strategic level and doa the groundwork. We built The Talent Network - to help our portfolio companies scout and hire the best talent from the very beginning.


SaaS, FinTech, HealthTech, EduTech e muito mais - Apresentamos os mais recentes investimentos da Antler em Sydney

After 2,000 registrations, the world tuned in to hear from 13 local portfolio companies


Pronto para criar sua startup? Veja como o Antler dará o pontapé inicial em seu crescimento

Starting a new company is undoubtedly a rollercoaster. From finding the right co-founders, to ideation, validation, and fundraising, there are many different challenges to tackle. We started Antler to help you kickstart your founder journey in the best possible conditions, by providing a platform to meet other exceptional entrepreneurs, giving you access to our global network, and providing expert advice and funding from day one.


Restart the Future é lançado para impulsionar a economia da Suécia com a criação de 1.000 startups

New jobs are created by new companies - which is why we need more hungry, creative and inventive entrepreneurs in Sweden, as a response to the pandemic. Everything starts with an idea. With the right conditions, an idea can flourish and become the next Spotify. And to grow these ideas into businesses, we need founders from all backgrounds. What is your idea and how can we help it grow?

Let's build our future together.

A Antler está fortalecendo sua plataforma global na Europa Central com o lançamento do escritório de Berlim

Antler opens its office in Berlin to strengthen the local start-up ecosystem, promising pre-seed investment at unprecedented scale.Partners of the fund covering Germany and Central Europe are Alan Poensgen and Dr. Christoph Klink.


Série de startups: Caria - a primeira plataforma baseada em IA para mulheres na menopausa

Antler portfolio company Caria is the first AI-powered platform for women in menopause. To celebrate World Menopause day, they introduced Caria Premium Memberships last week. Co-founders Arfa Rehman and Scott Gorman collaborated with the Antler US team to build and refine this membership and launch several new features, which include a new digital behavioral health program and more advanced health tracking.


A Antler investe em sete novas startups de tecnologia do Reino Unido

We received 2600 applications for our second UK cohort, which was a 50% increase from the previous cohort. 71 founders were selected to join Antler, half of whom had previously launched a startup. After two months, we invested in seven startups which were built by these entrepreneurs. In keeping with our focus on supporting companies with diverse co-founding teams, over half of the companies that we invested in (four out of seven) had at least one woman founder, which is significantly above the London average of 21%.

Reino Unido

James Anderson, da Baillie Gifford, entra para o conselho consultivo da Antler

We're delighted to welcome to the Antler advisory board, James Anderson, co-manager of the Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust at Baillie Gifford.

For many years, James has been at the forefront of investing in how economies have been shifting from being governed by the principles of diminishing to increasing returns, embodied in particular by technology companies, and the tremendous, non-linear opportunities this brings.


A Antler investe em seis empresas de tecnologia em estágio inicial na Holanda

These six Antler-backed companies are now ready to tackle some of society’s toughest challenges through innovations such as revenue-based financing for SaaS startups, autonomous robots that handle meticulous farming tasks and software that maximizes the returns of building sites.

Países Baixos

A Antler East Africa faz parceria com a Truecaller para apoiar os fundadores.

We are delighted to be collaborating with Truecaller — one of the fastest-growing communications apps impacting the world, in a bid to strengthen our commitment to support our startup founders with their journey as entrepreneurs.


Como a Antler conecta a experiência líder do setor com empreendedores talentosos

It is no secret that industry leaders face challenges when it comes to fostering innovation and growth. Take a closer peek into how Antler Norway has managed to unlock mutual benefits - by innovating at speed and creating a culture of entrepreneurship with the support of top entrepreneurs from all around the world.

A Antler reforça sua diretoria com a entrada de Ole Ruch, veterano da WeWork

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Ole Ruch as partner and board member. As part of Antler's board, Ruch will focus on international expansion, strategic partnerships, and investment management. Ruch will bring invaluable operational experience and insight to the Antler team, particularly around scaling big organizations, building global platforms and crafting large partnerships.  


A Antler revela 15 novas empresas de seu último grupo de Cingapura e da iniciativa COVID-19

Antler held its fourth Singapore Demo Day and the first virtual one to an audience of investors, VCs and entrepreneurs from the global startup ecosystem. We had over 2800 people tune in to the live stream from our Demo Day landing page and YouTube. You can still get in touch with the new startups and rewatch their pitches through our post-Demo Day page.


Mais de 2 mil pessoas assistiram ao Demo Day virtual da Antler Sydney

After attracting 2,800 registrations for the event a whopping 2,000 people watched the live event.


A Antler investiu em 58 startups em sete países em 2020, estimulando o crescimento de novas startups de tecnologia

So far this year, we have invested in 58 startups across seven countries. The companies funded represent over twenty sectors, ranging from fintech and deep tech to food delivery and gaming. 43% of these companies have at least one female co-founder.  

This impressive activity comes in spite of the coronavirus pandemic has brought about widespread lockdown, and a reported slowdown in venture capital activity, especially at the early stage. The companies that have received funding were founded across seven cities: London, Singapore, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Nairobi, Oslo and Sydney.  


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Ellen Chan

Diretor Global de Marketing Digital